
Alan Cooper sent this picture of Mike Backer

Charlie Andreson found this picture

Amazing what turns up when checking on older files. What a fun bunch of guys to play with. Gerry Foley went on to Star at St John’s and Holy Cross. I played at Classical and WPI, my brother Phil at Doherty and UConn. I’m not sure of everyone else, but my good friend Bob Anderson went on to St Anselm’s.

The Jews of Worcester – Population Study 1957 – submitted by Jerry Morse

History of Worcester recommended by Jerry Morse

Article about the Worcester Revolt of 1774 – submitted by Jerry Morse

Click here to see an article about Anna Shaughnessy

Here is a picture from a field trip the History Club took in 1963 to the United Nations Building in New York.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.historyClub1963

Dave Tinsley recommends this video:

Ben Bachrach found this video online:

One thought on “History”

  1. Ben B’ s video find sure brings back some memories. I visited Worcester in 2013 and could not maneuver through the street changes to find some of the old haunts I was looking for.

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